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The Federation of Priddy & St Lawrence’s

‘To be the best that you can be’

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The Federation of Priddy & St Lawrence’s

‘To be the best that you can be’

Somerset Wellbeing Framework

We have signed up to the Somerset Framework, a Public Health initiative which used the latest research about promoting good wellbeing and as such hangs on three basic principles:



Lifestyle –Diet, Activity and Sleep.


These pillars provide the foundations for supporting children’s health and wellbeing. If practised and explored from an early age they can make a real difference to an individual’s emotional health and wellbeing. 


See this short animation for more details:


We have achieved the pillars for Belonging and Relationships and are currently working are Lifestyles. 


Belonging is a sense of connection with a group or institution.  When pupils feel included and connected to school, they are more likely to participate in the school community and achieve academic success. 


Key aspects of belonging are linked to feeling:

  • Connected and included
  • Safe
  • Respected and valued
  • A sense of purpose


Respectful Relationships are the glue that holds a positive school community together and includes all relationships: peer to peer, pupils to staff, governors, visitors and the wider community. This also includes relationships with ourselves which is fundamental to how we treat each other.


Key aspects of positive relationships are linked to feeling:

  • Loved and cared for
  • Listened to
  • Supported in times of need
  • Enjoyment of fun



Lifestyle behaviours such as; how well we eat, how much sleep we get and how active we are can really impact on our mood, ability to cope and function in everyday life.  In relation to executive functioning and cognitive capacity children and young people’s brains are still in development so things like concentration, decision making, problem-solving and many aspects of learning are dependent on and benefit from good levels of basic nutrition, sleep and activity.


Key aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle are:

  • Diet
  • Sleep
  • Activity

