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The Federation of Priddy & St Lawrence’s

‘To be the best that you can be’

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The Federation of Priddy & St Lawrence’s

‘To be the best that you can be’

Church School

Our Community 

                                                       Be the best that you can be!

                                                  Compassion, Courage and Perseverance


                      These Christian values are rooted in the parable of the lost sheep: Matthew 18, Luke 15.


We are thankful for enjoying close links with St Lawrence’s and Priddy Church.  The children of the Federation enjoy visits to both Churches as part of their Religious Education as well as marking significant celebrations during the Church Year. 

Open Book takes place once a month at each school providing the children an opportunity to hear the major stories of the Bible.


Collective Worship

Every week there is a collective worship assembly led by the Head teacher.  Class assemblies are held focussing on themed ideas such as Wellbeing, Reflection and British Values.  There is a celebration through praise assembly each week as well as worship through song.  


Open Book takes place once a month at both Priddy and St Lawrence’s sites providing the children with an opportunity to hear the major stories of the Bible.


Collective Worship Leaders play an active role within our collective worship and reflection times.  The children contribute and share their own prayers.

Harvest Festival


We were overwhelmed with the generous donations of food from our families and the Food Bank were delighted.  The children visited St Lawrence's Church and participated in a Harvest Service led by Reverend Doris. 


Key Documents 
