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The Federation of Priddy & St Lawrence’s

‘To be the best that you can be’

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The Federation of Priddy & St Lawrence’s

‘To be the best that you can be’

Who We Are ?

The Governing Board of the Federation of Priddy Primary and

St Lawrence’s C of E Schools


“Living and Learning Together”

The Federation of Priddy Primary and St Lawrence’s C of E Schools, serves two scenic rural communities in Somerset. The two popular schools are approximately 3 miles apart in the villages of Priddy and Westbury-sub-Mendip. They are surrounded by the beautiful landscape and countryside of the Mendip Hills, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Both schools are very proud of their successful federation, and work closely together providing a nurturing and caring environment and a wealth of opportunities for our children, staff and communities.


Who are the federation governors?

School governors play a vital part in the success of schools. They are volunteers, who work with the head and the council to improve standards in their school.

Every school has a governing board, ours is made up as follows




Type of governor

 Sharon Foxall

 Head Teacher



 Tatiana Storie

 Local Authority

 Lyndsay Thomas       


 Phil Purdy

 Parent - Vice Chair

 Tim Clements

 Co-opted - Chair

 Emma Giffard


Neil Owen


Paul Hamilton

Foundation Governor

 Sue Reece



Co opted and Community governors are appointed by other governors as representatives of the wider local community, as business representatives, or because of particular skills that they can bring to the governing board.

Foundation governors are appointed by the Church or Trust which supports the school.

Local Authority governors are appointed by Somerset County Council.

Parent governors have a child at the school and are elected by other parents.

Staff governors work at the school and are elected by other staff.

How does our federation governing board work? 

Each Governing board has a constitution. Detailing how with how it works  and organizes itself. This is discussed and agreed every year at the AGM in September.

What does each governor do ?

Each of the governors is asked to sit on a sub-committee. Each sub committee deals with an aspect of school governance. Most of these committees meet termly; welfare tends to meet as and when required. Each Committee has a term of reference and various policies and procedures it reviews annually. The terms of reference, minutes and policies and procedures are all held in the St Lawrence's School Office. 


