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The Federation of Priddy & St Lawrence’s

‘To be the best that you can be’

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The Federation of Priddy & St Lawrence’s

‘To be the best that you can be’

Meet the Staff


Senior Leadership Team:


  • Mrs. Sharon Foxall - Headteacher and DSL
  • Mrs. Elissa Lodge - Deputy Headteacher



  • Mrs. Elissa Lodge - Oak Class (Reception)
  • Mrs. Lyndsay Thomas - Holly Class (yr 1-2) & DDSL
  • Mrs. Mikayla Ball - Willow Class (yr 3-4)
  • Miss. Annabel Smout - Beech Class (yr 5-6), DDSL & SENCO 
  • Mrs. Sarah Conolly - KS1 and KS2 Teacher


Support Staff:

  • Mrs. Emily Richards - Teaching Assistant & ELSA
  • Mrs. Roseanna Phipps - Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs. Tania Elliott - Teaching Assistant
  • Mr. Stuart Hole - Teaching Assistant & PE Co-ordinator
  • Mrs. Gayle Thompson - Teaching Assistant
  • Mr. Alex Thomas - Teaching Assistant
  • Mr. Steve Gower - Caretaker & Maintenance
  • Miss. Lauren Harvey-Miles - Green Shoots Leader


Lunchtime Supervisors:

  • Mrs. Dawn Hudsmith - St. Lawrence's
  • Miss. Lauren Harvey-Miles - St. Lawrence's
  • Mrs. Roseanna Phipps - Priddy
  • Mrs. Tania Elliott - Priddy


Office Staff:

  • Mrs. Maria Tucker - Business Manager
  • Miss. Sam Church - Administrator