Saplings Pre-School is located within St Lawrence’s Primary School, in the village of Westbury-Sub-Mendip, near Wells. Saplings Pre-School has been based here since 2018 and serves the communities of Easton, Priddy, Westbury-Sub-Mendip and beyond.
The Saplings classroom is set within its own gated area of the site, with a fantastic outdoor space. We welcome children from aged 2 until they reach school age.
Our ethos, is deeply rooted in the importance of play and utilising the outdoor environment to enable children to freely explore their own interests, be creative and develop independence and confidence. We work closely with our adjoining Reception class, which seamlessly supports transition into school.
The Team
Early Years Lead/Deputy Headteacher/Reception Class Teacher - Mrs. Elissa Lodge
Pre-School Lead - Miss Helen Amesbury
Pre-School Assistant - Miss Jessica Brooks
Opening Hours
We are open 38 weeks a year and operate to the same term times dates, as Priddy and St Lawrence’s Federation. This includes all INSET training days.
Our session times and fees (calculated at £4.70 per hour) are as follows:
Morning session: 8.45am-12.00pm - £15.28
Morning session & lunch: 8.45am-1.15pm - £21.15
Full Day: 8.45am-3.15pm - £30.55
Lunch: Children staying for lunch must bring a packed lunch, alternatively we offer a hot lunch ordered each term in advance at a cost of £2.85 per lunch.
Children are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes which are easily washable and are required to bring a waterproof coat and wellingtons into school everyday.
Contact Us
Telephone: 01749 870437
Saplings Pre-School
St Lawrence’s C of E Primary School
Please feel free to contact us, to arrange a visit.